

Monday, April 24, 2017

The sports

Our relationship with our body

The sports we practise

In our high school there are lots of students who practice several sports. The sports are very different among them.

-There are some team sports, such as Handball, Football and Basketball.
-And other ones are individual, such as athletics, skating, ballet, running and spinning.
-The average time that we practice sport is between 5 and 6 hours per week.
-The frequency that we practice sports is:

Hours per week
Handball 6h
Football 3h
Basketball 3h
Athletics 7’45h
Skating 9h
Ballet 6/8h
Running and spinning 3h

-Usually, the parts of a training session are the warm-up, the training and the stretching exercises at the end.
-Some sports have competitions every week. For example: handball, football… Some others, every term or season. For example: swimming, skating…


By Roc Serret González and Antonia Adamovici

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