About our school
Our school is called Základná škola Viliama Záborkého - Primary school of Viliam Záborský and it is located in a small town Vráble.Vráble is a small town situated 100 km from the capital city - Bratislava, 20 km from the city Nitra. It has bout 10 000 inhabitants. It lies in vineyard area.
School year starts on 2nd September and finishes on 30th June. Our school is situated in beautiful park. It isn´t very big. We have about 260 students and 20 teachers.
Erasmus + club is working here. Also Folk club is the part. We dance and sing here, remember our traditions.
This project is our 4th international project thanks to which we can personally get know various European countries.
We like also working on eTwinning projects, in which we can meet our foreign friends in virtual space, we organize video conferences and communicate in twinspace.
Your school is very nice. we are looking forward to visit your city