

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The school in S. Teresa di Riva - Italy

Santa Teresa di Riva is a town located between Messina and Taormina on the east coast of Sicily on the Jonian sea,  with a population of  about 10.000 inhabitants.  It is surrounded by  hills on which some medieval villages were built centuries ago. Sicily was  settled by  different invaders, such as Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Arabics, Normans  and so on that left their culture and customs  in our dialect, history, architecture and art. Taormina, the pearl of the Jonian sea, is rich in spectacular views and  ancient monuments such as the Greek Theatre  and the  medieval cathedral. The economy of our town is based on commerce, fishing and agriculture.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


        Our  school  is  located  in  the  city  of  Patras,  Western  Greece.  Patras  is  the  third  biggest  city  in  Greece  and  is  the  port  from  where   the  ships  for  Italy  depart.  It  is  220  Km  far  away  from  the  capital,  Athens,  and  100  Km  from  Olympia,  the  birthplace  of  the  Olympic  Games.
        Our  school  was  built  in  1980.  It  has  80  students.  The  number  of  our  students  is  increasing.  Age  range  of  students  is  12-15  years  old.  After  school  programmes  are  carried  out.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Turkey-Arnavutköy-Fatih primary and Fatih Secondary School


 Our school is located in Arnavutköy district of Istanbul. Arnavutkoy  is located in the north-west part of İstanbul. The school was built in 2010. Our school has 170 students. The number of  our students is increasing daily.  Age range of students is  6 to 14. After-school sports activities are carried out.

     Our district is about 35 km away to Istanbul. Our district was established in 2008. The population of the district is about 215 000 . Arnavutköy is one of the green districts of İstanbul.  It has taken the migration from other cities of Turkey. Its people came from rural areas. Therefore, the level of education is low. 

       Our municipality gives importance to fuse different cultures  to social projects.  Our district plan is renewed. Major projects are planned for our district. The world's 3rd largest airport project is been doing. Arnavutköy within the next 5 years will be one of the new centers of İstanbul.

Our school, Ramon Berenguer IV high school in Amposta, Spain.

Amposta is a small town in the South-East of Catalonia. It has about 22 thousand inhabitants and it lies about 150 km from Barcelona and about 150 km from Valencia. The economy of the town was mainly based on agriculture, and it has still an influence on its economy. Amposta is surrounded by rice fields, which in its turn conform what is known as the Ebro Delta (a natural water area which has been recently declared Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO . It covers 367,729 hectares and includes the delta and watershed of the Ebro River, which is Spain largest river in terms of volume. It has a large number of different ecosystems ranging from inland to coastal areas.

Our school, Institut Ramon Berenguer IV, is a secondary school with around 700 students aged from 12 to 18. The social background of our students is varied although in the last years the effects of the economical crisis has affected a large number of families.
Our students attend classes in the morning from 8.30 to 15 h. In the afternoon most of them have different activities, mainly sporty and musical (the town has a long musical tradition).
Employment in the  town is a clear reflection of what is going on in the rest of our country. Families are going through a difficult situation and this fact  has a direct effect on the relationship with the school.
One of the reasons why we are interested in carrying out this project is to involve our students in knowing more about different communities to see how different and how alike they are. Another reason is that with this project they are able to travel and experience other realities they wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise;  and to cooperate to make their world a better place to live in.
The last but not least important reason is that we, as teachers, are eager to learn and exchange our views and experiences with other colleagues around Europe as something that can enrich our knowledge and our souls.

Slovakia - Vráble

About our school

Our school is called Základná škola Viliama Záborkého - Primary school of Viliam Záborský and it is located in a small town Vráble.
Vráble is a small town situated 100 km from the capital city - Bratislava, 20 km from the city Nitra. It has bout 10 000 inhabitants. It lies in vineyard area.

School year starts on 2nd September and finishes on 30th June. Our school is situated in beautiful park. It isn´t very big. We have about 260 students and 20 teachers. 

Erasmus + club is working here. Also Folk club is the part. We dance and sing here, remember our traditions.
This project is our 4th international project thanks to which we can personally get know various European countries. 

We like also working on eTwinning projects, in which we can meet our foreign friends in virtual space, we organize video conferences and communicate in twinspace.